Bluebonnet Challenge - Contest 2
To help promote award winning literature for students, this contest will highlight and focus on the most recent 2022-2023 Texas Bluebonnet Award winning books.
Planning will include gathering promotional materials, visiting with teachers, ordering additional copies of the books in the list, and creating a display to showcase these books. Meeting with teachers will include the option of giving them a copy of one of the listed books to do as a read aloud with their classes. This will allow even those reluctant readers an opportunity to join the contest.
Promotion of the Event:
The event will take place from March 1st - May 1st and will be promoted by the following:
- Announcements each week as a reminder of the contest
- Teacher promotion in classrooms
- Flyers posted in ELAR classrooms and throughout the school
Preparations Needed:
As soon as possible, order additional copies of the listed books so that multiple can be checked out at one time. Create flyers to be posted around the school and begin coping the template to use for students to fill out.
Students will read a book of their choosing from the list of the 2022-2023 Texas Bluebonnet Award category. After they have completed their reading, they will fill out a quick form highlighting their dislikes/likes about the book and turn this form into the drop box.
Students will be encouraged to read award winning books that are diverse and help develop critical reading skills. Along with the encouragement to experience award winning books, students will be entered to win prizes for completing reviews of the books. These prizes will include getting "Pirate Bucks" from our school principal (incentive program that the school does) as well as the chance to win a copy of one of the books from the list donated by stakeholders.
Santos, M. (2021, October 25). 2022-2023 Texas bluebonnet award master list released. Texas Library Association. Retrieved February 19, 2023, from