Sunday, February 19, 2023

Bluebonnet Challenge - Contest 2

 Bluebonnet Challenge - Contest 2


To help promote award winning literature for students, this contest will highlight and focus on the most recent 2022-2023 Texas Bluebonnet Award winning books. 

Planning will include gathering promotional materials, visiting with teachers, ordering additional copies of the books in the list, and creating a display to showcase these books. Meeting with teachers will include the option of giving them a copy of one of the listed books to do as a read aloud with their classes. This will allow even those reluctant readers an opportunity to join the contest.

Promotion of the Event:

The event will take place from March 1st - May 1st and will be promoted by the following:
  • Announcements each week as a reminder of the contest
  • Teacher promotion in classrooms
  • Flyers posted in ELAR classrooms and throughout the school

Preparations Needed:

As soon as possible, order additional copies of the listed books so that multiple can be checked out at one time. Create flyers to be posted around the school and begin coping the template to use for students to fill out.


Students will read a book of their choosing from the list of the 2022-2023 Texas Bluebonnet Award category. After they have completed their reading, they will fill out a quick form highlighting their dislikes/likes about the book and turn this form into the drop box.


Students will be encouraged to read award winning books that are diverse and help develop critical reading skills. Along with the encouragement to experience award winning books, students will be entered to win prizes for completing reviews of the books. These prizes will include getting "Pirate Bucks" from our school principal (incentive program that the school does) as well as the chance to win a copy of one of the books from the list donated by stakeholders. 


Santos, M. (2021, October 25). 2022-2023 Texas bluebonnet award master list released. Texas Library Association. Retrieved February 19, 2023, from

Saturday, February 11, 2023

Family Literacy Night - Genre Travelers


Family Literacy Night - Genre Travelers

General Overview:

Genre Passports: Set up stations containing several different genres of literature, such as nonfiction, humor, realistic fiction, mystery, sports, fantasy, adventure, and historical fiction. Give each family or student a “passport” which can be stamped after visiting each station. Overall prizes can be given when the passport is full. Door prizes will also occur frequently for attending.

Friday, February 10, 2023

Book Making & Story Creating

Title: Book Making and Story Creating 

Grade level(s): Second Grade-Third Grade 

Time Required: 3 One Hour Sessions 


AASL V.C.1 - Expressing curiosity about a topic of personal interest or curricular relevance. 
AASL V.C.3 - Collaboratively identifying innovative solutions to a challenge or problem. 

TEKS References: 

ELAR 2.11 & 3.11 Composition. The student is expected to publish and share writing. 

Materials and/or tools needed: 

  • White Heavy Card Stock 
  • Pencils 
  • Bone folders or popsicle sticks (for creasing) 
  • Crayons 
  • Map Colors 
  • Small Hole Punch 
  • Yarn 
  • Glue 
  • Scissors 


Day 1: Have colored pencils and crayons on center of tables along with other tools needed for the day. Start project by discussing basic bookmaking and an artist who makes books as art. Show an example of a handmade pamphlet book. Have children fold paper in half to make the signatures and cover for books (may need assistance from teacher/aid.) Make sure to have children put names on the back of “cover.” Take folded signatures and place in a safe place while children decorate their covers. Before starting decorating with crayons or map colors, show students the books “A Day in the Park” and “Fall is Here.” Discuss how book covers express the inside of the book and reflect what we wish to show the ones looking at it. Encourage children to get creative with their illustrations for their book covers. 

Day 2: Have books pre-punched with hole punch and placed at the tables area to put together with yarn (already at table as well) to make sure that “stitching” goes well and that all children have the same number of pages in the signature. Model first and then have children thread the yarn through the pre-punched holes and tie them at the back of the book. Yarn will be seen on outside of cover as it will be stitched with the signature to make it easier for children to put together and use. Show books again that were shown last class and give the children examples of what they could see outside. Have children take pencils and the newly made books and begin writing their stories. Encourage them to walk around the library to help gather ideas and not to forget to add illustrations throughout their stories. 

Day 3: Go over lesson with children and discuss their works with the class and why they chose what to illustrate and what to write about. Allow for students to share their newly created short stories and the understanding of how to combine papers to make a book to illustrate or write in. 

Physical Set Up

Day 1: Have a pre-made book ready for show. Give children three sheets of cardstock. Discuss paper folding. They should fold each piece one time. Take away two of the sheets of paper leaving the children with a single page to use as a cover for the book that they are creating. 

Day 2: Have papers punched prior to class and have yarn ready for them to “thread” the books. Have books ready and pencils to go wander around the library. 

Day 3: Children bring books back to the library to begin sharing, complete stories, and be able to explain how books can be created. 

Language Arts: This lesson can be used to reinforce creative writing as it creates a journal that can be used for illustration or writing. 
Science: This lesson can also be used in conjunction with a study of animals and plants found in nature in a corresponding Science class. 

**Could offer a display area to highlight some of the created books and stories in the library to share with other students, teachers, and grade levels.**

Thursday, February 2, 2023

Book Bingo! - Contest 1

Book Bingo! - Contest 1


Book Bingo will delight those who may be in a reading slump or need help expanding their general genre of choice. This contest helps promote the fun of reading books while also allowing an expansion into unfamiliar genres. 

Print off bingo cards on cardstock and create a location where the bingo sheets can be displayed. Distribute flyers to students, teachers, and post on the school’s website. Include in the display images of the gift cards that are donated for prizes as well as the top prizes such as an apple watch, airpods, and author signed books. 

Promotion of the Event 

The event will be promoted using the following tools: 
  • Flyers posted in the library, hallways, cafeteria, and teacher’s classrooms 
  • School district’s webpage 
  • Announcements during school hours 
  • Video from the librarian discussing and highlighting the Book Bingo, so that students/teachers/community members can refer back to it

Preparations Needed 

Possibly pull some books that follow the items listed on the bingo sheets to help draw attention to those particular books/genres that students may have a difficult time finding. Have the OPAC system up and ready for students to begin their searches for books regarding particular subjects. Post out for community and business involvement to help with donation of gift cards and monetary donations for the big ticket items. 


The librarian will create a video highlighting the following: 
  • Book Bingo Rules 
  • How to Play 
  • Where to obtain bingo cards 
  • What a “Black-out” bingo is for the high ticketed prizes (students with black-out bingos will be placed in both categories for the drawings) 
  • What a “Single-line” bingo is for the gift card drawings 
  • The librarian will have readily available bingo cards for students to add their name to once they begin the contest 


Students will be encouraged to read more outside what their normal liking may be, opening up new experiences for them. Adding in the prizes allows for community and/or business support in the promotion of literacy in schools. Students enjoy working towards earning rewards for reading for enjoyment. 



Year Long - Reading for Enjoyment

  Year Long - Reading for Enjoyment Grade Level : 6th - 8th  Standard(s) : AASL A.V.1 - Reading widely and deeply in multiple formats and wr...